by Tim Rowan, Editor
CMS Rule to Protect Medicare
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, finalized the policies for the Medicare Advantage “Risk Adjustment Data Validation” program, which is CMS’s primary audit and oversight tool of MA program payments.
Under this program, CMS identifies improper risk adjustment payments made to Medicare Advantage Organizations in instances where medical diagnoses submitted for payment were not supported in the beneficiary’s medical record. The commonsense policies finalized in the RADV final rule (CMS-4185-F) will help CMS ensure that people with Medicare are able to access the benefits and services they need, including in Medicare Advantage, while responsibly protecting the fiscal sustainability of Medicare and aligning CMS’s oversight of both Traditional Medicare and MA programs.
In Other Words, Fraud
As required by law, CMS’s payments to MAOs are adjusted based on the health status of enrollees, as determined through medical diagnoses reported by MAOs. Studies and audits done separately by CMS and the HHS Office of Inspector General have shown that Medicare Advantage enrollees’ medical records do not always support the diagnoses reported by MAOs, which leads to billions of dollars in overpayments to plans and increased costs to the Medicare program as well as taxpayers.
No Overpayments Collected Since 2007
“Protecting Medicare is one of my highest responsibilities as Secretary, and this commonsense rule is a critical accountability measure that strengthens the Medicare Advantage program. CMS has a responsibility to recover overpayments across all of its programs, and improper payments made to Medicare Advantage plans are no exception. For years, federal watchdogs and outside experts have identified the Medicare Advantage program as one of the top management and performance challenges facing HHS, and today we are taking long overdue steps to conduct audits and recoup funds. These steps will make Medicare and the Medicare Advantage program stronger.”
“CMS is committed to protecting people with Medicare and being a responsible steward of taxpayer dollars,” said CMS Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure. “By establishing our approach to RADV audits through this regulation, we are protecting access to Medicare both now and for future generations. We have considered significant stakeholder feedback and developed a balanced approach to ensure appropriate oversight of the Medicare Advantage program that aligns with our oversight of Traditional Medicare.”
The RADV final rule reflects CMS’s consideration of extensive public comments and robust stakeholder engagement after the release of the 2018 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking. The finalized policies will also allow CMS to continue to focus its audits on those MAOs identified as being at the highest risk for improper payments. The RADV final rule can be accessed at the Federal Register.
Pre-Implementation Performance Report
The January 2023 Pre-Implementation Performance Report is now available to download from the Internet Quality Improvement Evaluation System (iQIES).
Instructions on how to access the PIPR are available below and on the Expanded HHVBP Model webpage under “Model Reports.”
To support home health agencies during this first performance year, CMS issued PIPRs in November 2022 and January 2023 to all active HHAs. The PIPR provides HHAs with data on their quality measure performance used in the expanded HHVBP Model, in comparison to HHAs nationally within peer cohorts, in advance of the first Interim Performance Reports (IPRs) in July 2023. The PIPRs do not contain calendar year (CY) 2023 data. The January 2023 PIPR includes a new tab containing preliminary achievement thresholds and benchmarks by volume-based cohort.
Need Help Understanding Your PIPR?
To assist HHAs in understanding the purpose, content, and use of the PIPRs, the HHVBP Technical Assistance Team created an on-demand video and downloadable resource, “Introduction to the Pre-Implementation Performance Report,” available on the Expanded HHVBP Model webpage. The video is also available on the Expanded HHVBP Model YouTube channel.
Additionally, the December 2022 edition of the “Expanded HHVBP Model Frequently Asked Questions” includes questions regarding the PIPR. If you do not see an answer to your specific question, please email the HHVBP Model Help Desk at
If you experience an issue with accessing resources on the Expanded HHVBP Model webpage, first try refreshing the webpage. If that does not work, please try closing and reopening the browser. If you continue to experience issues, please try clearing the cache/cookies—links to instructions are below.
Locating the PIPR in iQIES
- Log into iQIES at
- Select the My Reports option from the Reports
- From the My Reports page, select the HHA Provider Preview Reports
- Select the HHVBP file to view the desired report. To quickly locate the most recently published report, select the down arrow adjacent to the Created Date label at the top of the table. This will order the reports in the folder from newest to oldest.
- Select the file name link and the contents of the file will display.
Help Desk Information
For questions about the content of the expanded HHVBP Model reports, please contact the HHVBP Help Desk staff by email at
*Please include your name, agency name, and the CCN when contacting the help desks.
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Tim Rowan is a 30-year home care technology consultant who co-founded and served as Editor and principal writer of this publication for 25 years. He continues to occasionally contribute news and analysis articles under The Rowan Report’s new ownership. He also continues to work part-time as a Home Care recruiting and retention consultant. More information:
©2023 by The Rowan Report, Peoria, AZ. All rights reserved. This article originally appeared in The Rowan Report. One copy may be printed for personal use: further reproduction by permission only.